Plant Profile: Paper daisies

One look at a paper daisy plant and you’ll think ‘I need them in my yard!’. They are bright and beautiful and have the most amazing textured flowers – yes, they actually feel like paper.

These beauties come in a few colours, but the yellow have such intense colour they put sunflowers to shame, these little stunners are like a whole bunch on mini sunflowers on colour steroids. 

Good to note that they are short lived but can self-sow easily which can give you more plants year on year.  

I reckon the best way to sow these is to throw handfuls of seeds throughout the garden and water them in. They won’t all germinate but you will get decent coverage with this method, think a wildflower meadow type deal rather than strategically placed plants.


Species name:  Xerochrysum/Bracteantha bracteatum

Common names:  Paper daisy

Flower colours:  Predominantly yellow to orange, but pink white and red are also available

When it flowers: Some varieties will flower Spring, Summer and Autumn, others all year 

Size: Generally 30-50cm, but Dargan Hill Monarchs can reach 1 metre

Effort to maintain: Easy, just water and feed. If you feel up to it you can remove the spent flowers to promote more flowering but maybe leave a couple to ensure you have a better chance of them self-seeding. Full sun is best for this plant.


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